Reasons to Scatter a Person’s Remains Following Cremation Services
When your loved one’s cremation services in Sarasota, FL are complete, a funeral home will hand you back a container with their cremated remains inside of it. It’ll then be up to you to decide what you’re going to do with the remains. You can place them into an urn and take them home with you so that you can put them out on display. You can also place them into a cremation vault and have them buried in the ground in a cemetery or stored in a columbarium. But outside of doing these things, you can also scatter your loved one’s remains if you so choose. Here are some of the top reasons to take this approach to dealing with your loved one’s remains.
It’ll put your loved one’s remains in a place that was special to them.
Did your loved one love spending time sitting by the water? Were they a big fan of climbing up high on mountains? Or did they enjoy exploring nature and all it has to offer? Whatever the case, you can scatter your loved one’s remains in a place that was special to them following their Sarasota, FL cremation and let them spend eternity in it. It’ll be a fitting ending to their cremation services.
It’ll give you and your family peace of mind.
You and your family are likely going to be in a lot of pain following the loss of your loved one. You’ll do just about anything to alleviate some of that pain. You can get peace of mind and eliminate some of the pain that you feel by scattering your loved one’s remains. You’ll appreciate the fact that you’re able to do one more nice thing for your loved one, and you’ll smile knowing that your loved one is in a place that they enjoyed so much.
It’ll prevent you from having to protect the remains for years to come.
If you take your loved one’s remains home with you, you’ll like having them nearby. But what you won’t like is the responsibility that you’ll feel to keep their remains safe and sound. You’ll constantly have to worry about what might happen to your loved one’s remains if someone ever breaks into your home or if a fire breaks out in your home. These things could result in your loved one’s remains getting stolen or destroyed. These are things you won’t have to be concerned about as soon as you scatter your loved one’s remains.
It’ll allow you and your family to visit your loved one’s special place in the future.
You and your family are going to want to maintain some kind of connection to your loved one following their death. And what better way to do it than by visiting the place where you scattered their cremated remains? You’ll be able to go back to that place over and over again in the future and feel your loved one’s presence all around you. It’ll be an excellent way to feel a connection to them even though they’re no longer around in the physical form.
Before you can start thinking about scattering your loved one’s remains, you’ll need to work side-by-side with a Sarasota, FL funeral home that can cremate your loved one for you. Gendron Funeral & Cremation Services Inc. is a great option for those families looking to cremate a loved one. Give us a call today for more information on our cremation services.