Social Media Affects Funerals

Posted on May 1, 2023 by Amanda Gendron-Roese under Funeral Home
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funeral home in Fort Myers, FLFor better or worse, social media is here to stay, and there isn’t much we can do about it. As such, you should acquaint yourself with its role in death and funerals. As the world has gotten more comfortable with social media, you’ll see more people sending condolences online instead of in other ways because this is considered the norm now. However, others find this incredibly impersonal and can get upset, and your funeral home in Fort Myers, FL can help you see the difference. That is something that many people have to consider carefully when it comes to social media. Ask yourself the fine line and how you can keep the family feeling respected and loved.


Posting The Service Online

Many families are now creating beautiful services for the people who attend in person or see the service online. However, many people prefer service in person as they think that live-streaming or holding a double service like this is. As such, you’ll see that many families want to do something other than this option, and they prefer methods that are considered more traditional.


Selfies, Selfies, Everywhere

Selfies at funerals are ubiquitous now and are not something everyone hates. It’s become commonplace. People check in online at funerals and post throughout the service. Now keep in mind that just because not everyone hates it, it doesn’t mean everyone does. Some families think this disrespects the person who has died and the people left behind. As such, you’ll need to use your best judgment.


Video Sharing

Video sharing is another common area of funeral services now. You’ll find that most of the videos follow the adage that less is more and that you can make things short and straightforward. Instead, short and sweet should be the aesthetic you’re looking for. This one is also a bit hit or miss, but it’s far more accepted than other options. The best thing that you can do here is talk to the family and ask them what they think is appropriate, as you don’t want to hurt their feelings. Remember that when it comes to social media and funerals, you don’t want to hurt your loved one’s family and don’t want to be seen as disrespectful.funeral home in Fort Myers, FL


Color Is Present

Color is another thing that has happened in recent years, and now instead of black or blue caskets, you’ll find colors galore. That includes options like millennial pink, orange, green, canary yellow, or other bright colors deemed attractive for the deceased. This has become a way to showcase the personality of your loved one though they are gone.


A Funeral Can Be Influenced

Social media can influence a funeral positively and negatively, and it’s up to you to find the fine line between appropriate and non-appropriate measures. The one thing that you should always focus on is the family and their feelings. If you are the family, you need to focus on your lost loved one and what they want. Always be respectful, and you can’t go wrong. Your funeral home in Fort Myers, FL will also guide you on the right choice.

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