Useful Tips for Planning Traditional Burials at Funeral Homes

Posted on September 7, 2020 by Amanda Gendron-Roese under Funeral Home
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funeral homes in Fort Myers, FL

In this day and age, there are more families planning cremation services for their loved ones than ever before. Cremation has become a very popular option for many people. But it’s worth noting that there are still lots of people asking to be buried rather than cremated at the time of their death. It’s why funeral homes in Fort Myers, FL and other parts of the country continue to help families plan traditional burials. Is that what your loved one wanted? Check out some tips for planning a traditional burial below.

Kick things off by finding the right funeral home for the job.

Most funeral homes can provide families with the services they’ll need to bury a loved one. But nowadays, there are some funeral homes going away from burials and focusing primarily on cremations. As a result, you’re going to need to do your homework to ensure you land on a funeral home that can set you up with burial services. You also need to do your due diligence when searching for funeral homes and select one that is experienced and known for delivering great services to families.

Decide where your loved one is going to be laid to rest.

Once you have a funeral home all picked out, you might think that you have the big decisions out of the way. But there’s going to be another one that you’ll have to make almost right away. If your loved one didn’t go through the trouble of buying a burial plot for themselves, you’ll have to do it. You’ll also have to choose which cemetery their body will be laid to rest in. You should look around for a cemetery that has space for your loved one. It should also be conveniently located and well taken care of at all times.

Choose the best casket for your loved one.

After you have a funeral home and a cemetery chosen for your loved one, you’ll be free to begin planning out their Fort Myers, FL funeral services. While doing this, you’ll need to pick out a casket for them. This might seem as though it would be a simple enough decision, but as you’ll quickly find out, there are dozens of casket options out there. You should make it your mission to choose a casket that fits your loved one’s personality while also fitting into your family’s budget.

Pick out a headstone or other kind of marker for your loved one’s burial plot.

Following your loved one’s funeral services and burial, you’re going to want to have some kind of marker put on their burial plot to memorialize their life. Whether you go with a fancy headstone or a simple nameplate, you’ll be able to choose which direction you want to go in. Just make sure that the marker you pick out is something that your cemetery will accept.

funeral homes in Fort Myers, FL

Do you need a hand planning a traditional burial? Or would you prefer to go with Fort Myers, FL cremation services? Either way, Gendron Funeral & Cremation Services Inc. will be there for you every step of the way. Call us to start planning out your loved one’s upcoming services.


How to choose a funeral home?

When you’re going to need to do your homework to ensure you land on a funeral home that can set you up with burial services. You also need to do your due diligence when searching for funeral homes and select one that is experienced and known for delivering great services to families.

How do you decide where to bury someone?

You’ll also have to choose which cemetery their body will be laid to rest in. You should look around for a cemetery that has space for your loved one. It should also be conveniently located and well taken care of at all times.

How do you pick a casket?

There are dozens of casket options out there. You should make it your mission to choose a casket that fits your loved one’s personality while also fitting into your family’s budget.